Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Types of foams and their uses

Foams are used by packing industry, sports, automobile, toys, leather, and shoes industry. There are different types of foams. Two broad categories of the foam are technical foam and comfort foam. The technical foam are different from comfort foam in purposes and have different proposes and features.

 Comfort foam group is basically the upholstery foam. The normal and standard foam is the raw material for the upholstery industry. The light foam is used for pillows and seats and heavy density foam is used for mattress etc  .Hard foams are also used by packing and construction industry .Designers and manufacturers can combine the soft , hard and standard foam to create the different type of sets for customers and fulfill their needs for various products .

Viscoline type of foam is used in pillows and mattresses for extra softness. This type of foam keeps person warm and does not have any resistance to the force affecting it.   Composite type of foam is harder and has bit more density than soft foams. This type of foam is used for heavy packing, insulations applications in sound and automotives.

Technical purposes foams are also of various types. Polyurethane foam, which is one of the technical purpose foam, has two parts, ester based and ether based. The density and hardness depends on the market requirements. The hardness and density of the foam can be changed to make them to meet the need of customers. This enables them to be used for various purposes like packing, sealing, curbing vibrations, flame laminating for textile industry and for upholstery.

Some soft foam is also used as household sponges. These foams have large irregular cell that resemble sea shells. These can come in lot of colors and can be used in cosmetic industry also.

Open cell polyurethane foams Rotary Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India are polyester based foams.  The cell structure of the foam is open and does not have any closed ends. This quality is achieved by the thermal reticulation process. Where the cell membrane are broken and melted together with cell rib. This type of foam is used in making ceramic filters, which are used in aluminum auxiliary. A form of these foams is also used in aquariums in filtering waves as these are non toxic in nature.

Flame retardant polyurethane Batch Foaming Machine Manufacturer in India foam is used in automotive industry in combination with other substances. The quality of this type of foam is that it shows lower evaporation, higher flexibility, and fire resistance. There are also types of polyurethane, which are used for insulation properties. Superseal form does not allow water and air to pass through it. That is why the foam is used for water and air sealing.

Then there are some special foams for packing, which are known as Euro state, euro cell and semi rigid foam. These are polyurethane Foams.  The termoflex and urecom are used for thermo compressed and thermoformed. 

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