Friday, 9 September 2016

Factors that affect the performance of foam

When a foam is selected for its cushioning functions ,the number of physical properties are tested or seen . There are various properties of the foam and each one of them has its importance . These physical properties are measured under controlled situaiions of humidity and temperature .
These physical properties are -
Density – This is the measurement of mass per unit volume . The density is also one of the most important of the properties of the foam . The density in the foam comes as a result of foam making chemistry . It also involves the additives that are used in foam chemistry during its making process . For specifications purposes , it is suggested that the polymer density of the foam should be measured without filters .
Density decides support and durabiity of the foam . If the polymer density is more than the foam can retain its form and provide the suport and comfort it is originally made to offer .
Indentation force deflection is measure of the firmness of the foam . The firmness of the foam is not dependant on the density of the foam , but it is always thought that the higher density of the foam provide firm support . There may be many foams with higher density or low density but they are firm . This property of the foam assures the comfort of the foam and in other words is measurement of the surface of the foam .

Support factor Foam Machine Manufacturer in India of a foam determines the capacity of the foam to provide deep down support . The support factor is measured by indenting the foam 65 percent of its height . The support factor of the foam has to be high to provide better support . The foam with higher support capacity offers number of advantages .

Flex fatigue means the ability of a foam to retain its original position , properties and height . There are several tests to know the foam durability . Some tests are done in the laboratories and other are performed by the different manufacturers at their sites . The all tests are done by pressing or compressing the Batch Foaming Machine Manufacturer in India foam number of times and then measuring the firmness and height of the same foam before the start of the test and after the test . In the flex fatigue testing ,the foam is compressed hundred of times or may be in some cases thousands of times ..

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