Friday, 20 May 2016

Construction & Applications of Hot Wire Foam Cutters

For the purpose of cutting polystyrene foam and similar materials, the use of hot-wire foam cutter is recommended by the experts. The devices of the hot wire foam cutter consist of metal wire that is made from stainless steel or nichrome. Simple operations, energy efficient design and enhanced serving life, make the hot wire foam cutting machines highly demanded.

Some of the hot-wire foam cutter is equipped with thicker wire preformed into a desired shape. For the purpose of cutting of foams and similar materials into desired shapes and sizes, the use of the foam cutting machinery is recommended.

The wire of the hot-wire foam cutter is heated through electrical resistance to about 200 degree centigrade. Based on the foam cutting needs and demands of the clients, the clients can purchase the foam cutting equipment in varied specifications. In order to cut the polystyrene foam and similar materials, the hot wire of about 200 degree centigrade passed through the materials. The heat of the wire of the hot wire foam cutter vaporizes the material just in advance of contact.

Types of wire used in the hot wire foam cutter are preformed, manually or with pliers. The hot wire foam cutters are ideal for different cutting applications such discussed below. All the thermo fusible expanded foams can be cut through hot wire foam cutters. Hot wire foam cutter is ideal for cutting all the materials that melts at relatively very low temperature.

Modern hot wire foam cutter, which is fabricated by best Foam Machine Manufacturer India, can be used for cutting of blocks of expanded white balls of polystyrene into desired shapes and sizes. In addition to this, the hot wire foam cuter is used for cutting of extruded polystyrene. 
The extruded polystyrene is available in the market in different color combinations such as blue, green and gray. Many manufacturers make use of hot wire foam cutters for cutting of pink or purple smooth plates into desired shapes and sizes.

Low density rigid foam such as Polymethacrylimide can be cut into desired shapes and sizes by using hot wire foam cutter in various industrial foam cutting applications. Foam with excellent mechanical properties can be cut into desired shapes and sizes by using hot-wire foam cutter, which can be fabricated by Foam Machine Manufacturer in India in user-defined or generic specifications.

Polypropylene foams, which are flexible expanded and ideal for shock protection, can be cut into desired into shapes and sizes by using hot wire foam cutters. 

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