Monday, 30 May 2016

Types of foam cutting machines

Foam cutting machines are used to get high yield desired thickness foam in various sizes and shapes. The foam cutting machine basically has two units, cutting unite and table for keeping foam in cutting position. The cutting unite is stationary and table is in circular shape and moving.

 Some of the foam cutting machines are mentioned here:

Horizontal cutting foam machine are used to get sheets from foam blocks. These machines can be automatic or semi automatic. The fully automatic machines are controlled by a program fitted into the panel, fitted with the machine. The fully automatic machine can be adaptable at any point of time in the production process. The cutting part of the machine is made from stainless steel. The cutting part has knife band and knife guard. The cutting table moves to and fro to enable the machine to cut the foam. The cutting blade has adjustable features, which are controlled by a motor.

Circular foam cutting machine cuts foam in various thickness sizes with efficiency and accuracy. The whole Circular Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India machine is in form of a circular table. The cutting part is stationary but the circular table moves with the foam on it. The movement of the table is done with the help of an AC motor. These circular machines are made wit get high yield at units. The cutting speed of the machine can be adjusted with 0 – 5 rpm. To stabilize the foam on the circular table there is vacuum system. The machine is controlled by the touch screen display.

Vertical foam cutting machine is used to cut large foam blocks into sheets or slices of desired thickness. Usually, vertical cutting machine is used to cut the sides of polyurethane foam .This machine has cutting unite, in vertical shape. The cutting unite is electrically controlled. The machine also has modifiable side support system. The top of the table is made from smooth aluminum to hold the foam blocks. The stationary part of the machine has four blade wheels and comes with manual brake to control the speed of the cutting.  Other types of cutting machines are
Angular foam cutting Foam Machine Manufacturer in India  machine has a cutting portion and high table for supporting the foam for cutting. The machine is very reliable and gives perfect results. The cutting unit can be moved to get the desired size of foam being cut.

Pillow cutting machine is fitted on a table with cutting unite on the top of the table. This machine is used for cutting smaller blocks into smaller size sheets or pillows. 

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Technical Specifications of Vertical Foam Cutting Machines & Construction of Batch Foaming Machine

In foam production industry, the use of vertical foam cutting machine is recommended for the purpose of cutting foam into desired shapes and dimensions. Vertical foam cutting machinery consists of modifiable side support system and blade motor that is electrically controlled. The first part of the blog reviews the technical specifications of the vertical foam cutting machines used in various foam cutting applications.

Technical Specifications of the Vertical Foam Cutting Machinery Used In Different Foam Cutting Applications

Vertical foam cutting machines are used in the foam industries for the purpose of cutting the large foam blocks into desired dimensions, pieces and slices. For the purpose of trimming the slides of polyurethane blocks, the use of the vertical foam cutting machinery is recommended. The cutting height of the vertical foam cutting machines ranges from 600mm to 1500mm.

In addition to this, the cutting length of vertical foam cutting machine ranges from 1m to 2.5 m, based on the precise needs and demands provided by the patrons. Power required for systematic operation of the vertical foam cutting machinery consists of one horse power to three horse power.

The size of the cutting blade used in the vertical foam cutting machinery ranges from 8400mm to 11000mm. Space required by the vertical foam cutting machinery ranges from 3m x 3m to 5.5m x 7.5 mm based on the model of the vertical foam cutting machinery used.

The inside blade used in the vertical foam cutting machinery ranges from 600mm to 1200mm, based on the model of the vertical foam cutting machinery. In addition to this, the outside blade used in the vertical foam cutting machinery ranges from 1000mm to 1825 mm based on the model of the vertical foam cutting machinery.

Some of the popular vertical foam cutting machines manufactured by Vertical Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India are SMV-600, SMV-900, SMV-1200, SMV-1500 and SMV-1500l.

Batch Foam Machines and Their Construction

For the purpose of large scale production of flexible PU foam, the use of modern batch foam machines in manual or automatic specifications are recommended in foam manufacturing applications. Operated or run by electrical motor, the basic construction of batch foam machinery consists of tanks, counters and molds. Accurate mixing and filling of raw materials in machine tanks are handled by computers in different batch foam machines. Manufactured by the best Batch Foaming Machine Manufacturer in India, the different models of the batch foaming machines are known for their reduced maintenance cost and their ability to efficient work without huge manual labor. 

Monday, 23 May 2016

Raw materials and manufacturing process used in form making

Chemicals which form part of the foam are polyol 50 %, polyisocyanates 40 %, water 10 % and some other chemicals. The first two chemicals are liquid polymers.  When these chemicals combined with water they produce polyuretherane by heat generating reaction.  Wide range of additives is also used. Tin and amines are the catalyst that speed up the reaction of large volume production runs.  Blowing agents are also used to make the foam. These blowing agents form gas bubbles in the polymerizing mixture. Flexible foams have carbon dioxide while rigid foams have hydro fluorocarbons, hydrochloroflurocarbons and pentanes as blowing agents. Cross linking agents, fillers, flame retardants, chain extending agents and coloring material are the other additives used in the foam forming.

Manufacturing process –

The liquid chemicals are put into large tanks. Then they are pumped into smaller heated tanks that are kept separate. More than two monomer streams are used to make the slabstock foam.  For making flexible and rigid foams two continuous dispensing is used. For blending of chemicals, specific amount of chemical is fed into mixing head from mixing tanks. The reactive substances are put on the moving surface or conveyor belt. This is the place where the foam rises and cures to foam the slab stock.

As foam moves Foam Machine Manufacturer in Delhi NCR on the conveyor belt, it is cut into smaller pieces by a horizontal blade. These foam sections are then cured at the room temperature for 12 hours. They are not stacked as they are not firm to withstand any weight. Once the curing process is complete, the foam can be cut into desired shapes. To get the rigid foam insulation panels a continuous process of lamination is used. Liquid chemical is applied between outer and inner walls of the appliance cabinet, for foaming process. This process is for appliance insulation.

For flexible foam molding, Re-bonding Machine Manufacturer in India the ratio of chemicals and components are controls by the dispensing machines. This gives molded foam with double hardness. The molded articles of foam having solid surface of skin are made with liquid chemical in a single step. Here, the carbon dioxide is the single blowing agent. By molding flexible foam behind a pre shaped fabric cover, the automotive cushions are made. The number of steps in the manufacturing of car seats can be reduced by this process. The final product is then tested for various mechanical and physical properties.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Construction & Applications of Hot Wire Foam Cutters

For the purpose of cutting polystyrene foam and similar materials, the use of hot-wire foam cutter is recommended by the experts. The devices of the hot wire foam cutter consist of metal wire that is made from stainless steel or nichrome. Simple operations, energy efficient design and enhanced serving life, make the hot wire foam cutting machines highly demanded.

Some of the hot-wire foam cutter is equipped with thicker wire preformed into a desired shape. For the purpose of cutting of foams and similar materials into desired shapes and sizes, the use of the foam cutting machinery is recommended.

The wire of the hot-wire foam cutter is heated through electrical resistance to about 200 degree centigrade. Based on the foam cutting needs and demands of the clients, the clients can purchase the foam cutting equipment in varied specifications. In order to cut the polystyrene foam and similar materials, the hot wire of about 200 degree centigrade passed through the materials. The heat of the wire of the hot wire foam cutter vaporizes the material just in advance of contact.

Types of wire used in the hot wire foam cutter are preformed, manually or with pliers. The hot wire foam cutters are ideal for different cutting applications such discussed below. All the thermo fusible expanded foams can be cut through hot wire foam cutters. Hot wire foam cutter is ideal for cutting all the materials that melts at relatively very low temperature.

Modern hot wire foam cutter, which is fabricated by best Foam Machine Manufacturer India, can be used for cutting of blocks of expanded white balls of polystyrene into desired shapes and sizes. In addition to this, the hot wire foam cuter is used for cutting of extruded polystyrene. 
The extruded polystyrene is available in the market in different color combinations such as blue, green and gray. Many manufacturers make use of hot wire foam cutters for cutting of pink or purple smooth plates into desired shapes and sizes.

Low density rigid foam such as Polymethacrylimide can be cut into desired shapes and sizes by using hot wire foam cutter in various industrial foam cutting applications. Foam with excellent mechanical properties can be cut into desired shapes and sizes by using hot-wire foam cutter, which can be fabricated by Foam Machine Manufacturer in India in user-defined or generic specifications.

Polypropylene foams, which are flexible expanded and ideal for shock protection, can be cut into desired into shapes and sizes by using hot wire foam cutters. 

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Foam selection for seating and sofa

Selecting the right kind of foam for sofa or seating arrangement can become difficult without knowledge about the types of foam. But if the owner has clarity in mind on the type of feel the foam should give, then the selection can become easy.

Before selecting the foam for sofa, the feel of foam, should be clear in mind. The foam can give feel of softness, firm feel, more relaxed, plump, softer or full feeling .Foam cushion can last longer and they retain their shape for longer use. Different grades of foam are available for the sofas and seating chairs. These foams come with different level of firmness and densities.

Some types of foam for sofas

Luxury soft foam   can be used for sofas, armchair, luxury caravan and mattress. This high density reflex foam can retain its shape and bounciness for longer period. It can provide great support and comfort. His luxury medium firm foam gives medium to firm support. This is ideal for those who look for bit firm support from sofa cushions. They also come with great rebound quality.

Standard medium foam can give comfortable support at economical rates. This is not very soft but bit firmer and less durable. This foam can retain the shape but may not last as long as other expensive foams. The standard form can be used for sofas, which are not placed in the drawing room. Standard firm foam is gives firm feel and can be used by those who are on budget and cannot buy the expensive form of foams. The sandwich form foam is ideal for people with weight, who do not want very soft foam sofa. This kind of foam gives more firm support and feel. This foam can Re-bonding Machine Manufacturer in India be used for supporting weighty people. It can retain foam and shape over long time. The sandwich foam comes with firmer middle portion and softer sides.

Then there are foam which is perfect for mattress, dog mattress and pillows. This type of foam provides support to the body by getting into body shape. They retain their original shape without any weight on them. The back cushions of sofas and chairs can be made with luxury back foam. This foam is bit firmer to support the back .It gets into back shape to give maximum comfort to the sitting person.

The foam is Rotary Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India given different shapes by the various cutting machines. These machines come in different designs and are both manual and automatic. 

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Types of foam cutting machines

There are many types of foam cutting machines used in India. These machine has both manual and automatic or semi automatic models. The need for labor is totally eliminated in fully automatic foam cutting machine.

Horizontal cutting machine -

Horizontal cutting machines comes with horizontal cutting knifes with moving blades. The cutting size of the horizontal machine can be from 2mm to any desired level.  Table for cutting can be operated manually and also be motor. The block for cutting can be put on the table and table has the proper arrangement to support the block. The thickness for cutting can be fed into the digital counter. The maximum block height that can be put on the table can be 500 mm.

Contour cutting machine -

Contour cutting machine is used to cut any foam shape in two dimensions. The machine comes with rotating wire with four wheels and dust collecting system. The cutting head of the machine first cuts desired template of the cutting foam and then the wire cut the foam block. Both rigid and flexible foams can be cut easily with this machine.

Block cutting foam machine

This machine cuts blocks in any desired form. The desired specifications of the cutting are fed into the digital screen display. These specifications can be stored into the machine.  The cutting form size of up to 25 programs can be fed in touch screen display. Then the machine will cut automatically without need for any operator to manually handle the cutting process. The fully automatic machine also comes with own fault finding process and keeping history of maintenance programs. The automatic conveyor unit takes the foam from machine without need for labor. The foam is then cut into desired lengths. The manual model of the machine also comes.  

Then there is a profile making machine, which makes dimple or helical profile in foams during cuttings.

Circular cutting machine --

Circular cutting Circular Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India machine is used to cut the low density foam in small thickness. The machine is made with strong welded steel. The cutting part is constant at one place and table moves on heavy duty rollers .the cutting unit only moves up and down on strong pillars. The machine has high accuracy of up to 10 RPM. The speed of the machine is displayed on the touch screen. The color touch panel comes with built in manual .the loading and unloading can be done easily with the reverse foot peddles

Vertical cutting machine --

Vertical cutting Vertical Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India machines are used to trim the sides of the blocks and cut bigger blocks into smaller sizes. The vertical machine can also be used for cutting Sofa cushions and thick sheets. The manual break is also provided for fast stopping the table.  The machine has electric blade motor for blade. The cutting accuracy of the vertical cutting machine can be around 2 mm.  

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Commercial use of various types of foams

Foam is one of the best and least expensive materials for packing. Generally, the padding foam, which comes in varying degree of thickness and density, is used for cars, mattress and cushions.

Foam manufacturers often use the padding foam to make mattresses. The variety which is used is known as visco -elastic foam or memory foam. The quality of this foam is that it can be compressed into any shape. Another related quality is that it can come back to the original shape after compression is lifted. This visco elastic foam is also used to make mattress toppers. Though, the cost of mattress made from visco foam is more than the traditional foam.

Another wide spread use of foam is in making of seating cushions for both indoor and outdoor arrangements. Certain type of foam like closed cell foam, cult foam, neoprene foam is better for outdoor seating functions due to their water resistance capacity. High density foam, HR cell foam is used in high end furniture seats because of their comfort and durability. The same type is used as pad foam seats in dinning seat. The foam can be easily cut according to the size of the seat, which makes it preferred foam type for seats makers.

Gym mats and yoga mats used closed cell foam. This foam gives them light weight, flexibility and portability to fold and take the mats anywhere for exercises. In packing the main use of foam is to protect the costly and fragile items, especially electronic items. The packing with foam is essential for long transportation and shipping. The polyurethane foam, the in expensive type of foam is, used for packaging purposes. This foam has light weight and does not add any weight to the overall item weight during shipping, where weight of the item dictates the cost of shipping. Foam manufacturers Foam Machine Manufacturer in India often cut the polyurethane foam into an egg –crate shape to provide extra cushion to fragile items without putting more weight into packaging.

In some countries, where boating is a hobby for large sections of population, polyurethane foam is used to protect the boat hull from corrosion effect of sea water. The polyurethane epoxy resins also saves a boat from elements that increase drag, durability and reduce hydrodynamics. The rigid foam of polyurethane gives protection from temperature extremes and insulates the boat from any electric malfunction.  The tear resistance and abrasion protection is better provided by polyurethane foam than by any other type of foam. The weight carry capacity of the boat is increased without adding weight to the boat. The thermoplastic polyurethane is widely used in marine industry Batch Foaming Machine Manufacturer in India in wire and cable coating, in various seals and ship molding. Polyurethane foam also finds use in medical field in form of catheter, tubing, bedding, surgical straps; injection molded devices and wound dressings.  

Friday, 6 May 2016

Use of automotive foam and its forecast for next couples of years

Automotive foam is made with mix of solid and gas phase. This foam can come in different types based on the raw material used. .All vehicles be it large commercial vehicles or light vehicles use the automotive foam in some form. The growing use of automotive foam in seating arragemtns is further expected to take the automotive form industry to north direction. The automotive foam is used in seating, door panel, instrument panels, headliners, seal, water shield, gasket and NVH and others. The growing demand is also due to increase in end user industry and technological advancements.

 Automotive foams, polyurethane, polyolefin and polystyrene, will show high demand in their applications. Polyurethane became the one of the largest used automotive foam in 2013.  The reason was very simple.  Polyurethane offers   excellent thermal & sound insulation, superior fire resistance, easy installation and increased light weight benefits. The preference of automotive industry towards automotive foam form will continue to expand. The United States, Canada, and other developed world can see the stagnation in the growth of automotive form industry. But the Asian pacific reason, which is becoming the driver of world economy, will continue to expand. This expansion will see excellent growth in automotive form industry. Since over the next two years the expansion of economies will take place only in developing and Asia region, the growth of automotive industry will take place only in Asian region. And this growth will be enough to offset any fall in demand in any other part of the world.

Since the growth Vertical Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India  of automotive foam is directly linked with the growth of automobile industry, the prospects of growth in India are also bright.  The growth of passenger vehicles in India was the highest among major car markets. In the first 11 months of last year, the growth was 7. 64 %, the highest in the world. This growth will continue in the coming years also and with it the automotive foam industry will find ready market for expansion.  One fact, which is related with the automobile market in India, is that there is very low penetration of vehicles. The number of cars per thousand people is low at 18 compare to 800 in United States. This fact gives assurance that the number of car will continue to grow, as more and more people will buy car first time in life. The automotive industry thus will gain tremendously from this growth.

The only factor that Batch Foaming Machine Manufacturer in India could hamper the growth is the environmental concerns regarding polyurethane foam because of its biodegradable nature. The adverse effects on human health due to long term exposure to this form may also put breaks on the growth. The arrival of new innovative foam in place of polyurethane can also derail the growth prospects. 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Different Types of Foam Cutting Machinery

For the purpose of precisely cutting polystyrene foam or allied materials in various dimensions, the use of different types of foam cutting machine is recommended. Some of the common types of machinery used for cutting polystyrene foam are hot-wire foam cutter an automatic horizontal cutting machine.

The hot-wire foam cutter is manufactured by using latest machinery and basically consists of different components such as a thin and taut metal wire. The metal wire that is used in the hot wire foam cutter is manufactured by nichrome. Many hot wire foam cutter make use of stainless steel wire. Thicker wire can also be used as taut metal wire in hot wire foam cutter. The taut metal wire can be converted to desired shape by heated via electrical resistance to more than 200 degree centigrade.

The heat from the wire vaporizes the material just in advance of contact, as the taut wire from the hot-wire foam cutter is passed through the materials such as foam to be cut. The width of the cut made by the hot-wire foam cutter depends by the throat, if any. Furthermore, the depth of the cut made from the hot-wire foam cutter is precisely limited only by the wire length.

Based on the type of cut made, the choice of wire used in the hot-wire foam cutter can be done.  Only materials that have low melting point and melts a relatively low temperature can be cut through the hot wire foam cutter.

Some of the common types of material that are cut through the hot wire foam cutter are expanded polystyrene, which are basically blocks of expanded white balls. Furthermore, extruded polystyrene can also be cut into desired shape and size by using hot-wire foam cutter. Based on the manufacturers, the cutting of blue, green, gray, pink or purple smooth plates of the extruded foams can be done.

Other machinery and instruments that are used for cutting of foam are batch foaming machine automatic and manual batch foaming machines. Appreciated for their easy operations, compact design, less maintenance, energy efficient design and sturdy construction and consistent performance, the foam cutting machines are manufactured by using ultra-modern machinery that are based on cutting-edge technology. 

Circular Foam Cutting Machine Manufacturer in India manufacture the circular foam cutting machine in different technical specifications and are used in cutting foams into circular shapes and varied sizes. Rotary (Circular) Foam Cutting Machine can be used for the purpose of cutting the foam into circular shapes and in different diameters, based on the needs and requirements provided by the clients.

Vertical foam cutting machine can be purchased from authorized vendors, for the purpose of cutting the foam into desired shapes and sizes. Based on the needs and requirements, the foam machine in various specifications can be purchased from first among the best Foam Machine Manufacturer in India.